Why Us
Petersburg, Alaska
Petersburg School District is located in Petersburg, Alaska. Petersburg is a small rural town located on Mitkof Island in Southeast Alaska. The Petersburg School system has an outstanding heritage and reputation for dedicated teachers and effective instruction. Currently, Petersburg School District serves approximately 400 students in grades PreK through 12
Integration of Technology to Support Learning
In an effort to encourage continuous improvement in technology, interactive learning, and communication, classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technological equipment which includes wireless laptops for teachers, smartboards, document cameras, classroom voice capture/projection equipment, classroom web-pages, virtual learning environments, e-mail, LCD Projectors, Apple TVs. Students have access to iPads, Chromebooks, and Macbook computers.
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
Petersburg school district promotes a positive school and learning environment through the Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program (PBIS). The school community challenges the students, parents, faculty, and staff to think and perform high levels of achievement and exhibit positive character values

Rae C. Stedman Elem.

Mitkof Middle School

Petersburg High School