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Shirlene Olson
Dave Owens
Industrial Arts Teacher
High School
Sharon Paulson
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Stephanie Pawuk
Reading Specialist / Interventionist
Elementary School
Rochelle (Rocky) Peeler
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Gus Pennington
5th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Kayla Popp
Instructional aide
Mikalai Potrzuski
Social Studies Teacher
Middle School
Marsha Sandhofer
Administrative Assistant (HS)
High School
Stevie Schmidt
Instructional Assistant
High School
Julie Sheldon
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School
Bridey Short
6th Grade Teacher
Middle School
Timothy Shumway
English Language Arts Teacher / American Gov't / AK History
High School
Bev Siercks
Math Teacher
Winter Skeek
Food Service Aide
Elementary School
Hannah Smith
Middle School Science
Middle School
Megan Smith
Math Teacher
High School
Sharon Smith
Instructional Assistant
Karla Sosa
Barb Steltz
Instructional Assistant
Middle School