November 14, 2021
Email hconn@pcsd.us if you would like someone else to get you a tree this season!
November 13, 2021
Calling all PRINGLE eaters!! Our 2nd grade classrooms are at it again, and they need your help!! Please eat, save, and bring us those pringle containers. Any and all are welcome :...
November 6, 2021
Stedman Bulletin for November 8th
~Important Dates~
12th Migrant/Title I Pizza Event 1:00
17th Partners in Educat...

November 4, 2021
PSD ShredSafe
Confidential material shredding services is now offered at PHS. This program was possible with the support of the Petersburg Community Foundation Grant and the D...
October 30, 2021
In order to continue as a FREE/REDUCED Meal School Please complete this form ASAP! OR http://schoolcafe.com/
Stedman Bulletin for November 2nd
October 23, 2021
In order to continue as a FREE/REDUCED Meal School Please complete this form ASAP! OR http://schoolcafe.com/
Stedman Bulletin for October 25th
October 16, 2021
In order to continue as a FREE/REDUCED Meal School Please complete this form ASAP!
Stedman Bulletin for October 18th
October 9, 2021
In order to continue as a FREE/REDUCED Meal School Please complete this form ASAP!
Stedman Bulletin for October 11th
October 2, 2021
NOTICE: Lego Club is cancelled this coming week on 10/6
In order to continue as a FREE/REDUCED Meal School Please complete this form ASAP!
September 29, 2021
UPDATE: Secondary Schools will remain in remote learning for the remainder of the week. At this time, Petersburg is experiencing high community spread, and multiple positive case...
September 25, 2021
Stedman Bulletin for September 27th
~Important Dates~
1st NO SCHOOL Inservice
20th P.I.E. Partners in Education Meeting 6:00pm
Join ...
September 18, 2021
Stedman Bulletin for September 20th
~Important Dates~
21st Class Picture Day (online ordering, look for date from teachers)

September 16, 2021
Please see the following updated mitigation protocols voted on during the Sept. 14, 2021 school board meeting. Administrators and staff are working out the specific operational d...
September 11, 2021
ALL CALL: Do you have any towels laying around you would like to get rid of? Please drop them off at our office if you have some to give.
Stedman Bulletin for September 13t...
September 4, 2021
ALL CALL: Do you have any towels laying around you would like to get rid of? Please drop them off at our office if you have some to give.
Stedman Bulletin for September 7th...

September 1, 2021
Petersburg School District (PSD) is soliciting bids for DRY/CANNED /FROZEN/FRESH /NON –FOOD PRODUCT to be used in the School Nutrition Program (SNP) for the 2021-2022 school year....

August 30, 2021
Question: Can I walk my child into school on the first day?
Answer: Of course, please bring a mask when entering the building. We are required to wear masks when...

August 13, 2021
Petersburg School District Reopening Plan
August 13, 2021
Maintaining in-person learning was the #1 priority for students, staff, and families in the end-of-year survey resu...

August 9, 2021
We’re thrilled to announce Petersburg School District’s new app! It’s everything Petersburg School District, in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access sports s...